Jeene Nahin Doonga

Internal ramblings, rumblings, grumblings and dumplings of a machine that went wrong, my head, that is.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Pretty Woman

She made my day.

And for the first time in my life, she almost forced me to sit writing about a beautiful woman. Never ever done that, not in any of the past relationships. Come to think of it, my relationship with her is only of four minutes.
I saw her today after lunch, infact was asked by a couple of friends to look at her, who too were doing the same, standing outside the office and ready for a post lunch stroll. She was there, on the balcony of the first floor of the neighbouring office, walking back and forth and talking on her cellphone.

The first glimpse of her was her reflection in the black glass facade of my office and I couldn't control myself from then on. I crossed over to the other side of the narrow pass from where I could see the actual her, and not a reflection.

She was taller than average. Hair neatly tied in a ponytail hanging loose upto some length beyond shoulders. The complexion was a resplendent shade of the Indian fair, very soothing and had an innate ability to attract. Her eyes darted just like a small money jumping from branch to branch with juvenile abandon. Her pretty lips were talking animatedly to someone on phone.

The age must be early twenties. I could not resist the temptation to give her silhoutte a quick scan. The body was perfect, a man's dream, something which takes effort to create - either by God or by the heiress to which it belongs. Her grace of movement had a certain captivating capacity which would not allow you to turn your eyes from her. She could easily have qualified for some of the umpteen modelling contests being held every where these days, from Sitapur to Siliguri and from Bangalore to Betia. But that's not the point. The point is that she can make any man go weak in his kness. There sure is a power much beyond the oft touted money and muscle - and women are the sole privy to that.

I climbed up a slightly lower balcony of another office nearby, where I could get a better view and took out my phone - a call on a cell was the perfect alibi to keep watching her for as long as she would allow. I didn't call my fiancee because that would somehow create a moral issue - how can I use talking to the love of my life as an excuse to ogle at another very beautiful woman. I called my dad.

So there were we, both of us on our cell phones, talking and walking and I watching her. Our eyes met and we held each others stare but kept on pretending to talk. I couldn't clearly see the color of her eyes but knew that they were the flag bearers of the exciting story that was her. Damn, why did I wear this old Tshirt to office today !!!

Even her clothes seemed to tell a story. Her washed denim jeans fitted nicely and comfortably on her - the good thing about a good body is that you don't need to go out of your way with your dresses to look sexy. And she topped it up with a brownish black top with a v-neck. Just the tantalising amount of skin beneath the fabric covering her exquisite proportions. An important characteristic of an extraordinarily attractive body is that it creates a separate identity of its own, very distinct from the prettiness of the face. In some sense, infact, a pretty face may actually be thought of as an antithesis to a pretty body simply because while the classical beauty worships delicate, sharp and even fragile facial features, for body, it has to be firm proportions. I mean a sexy waist to hip ratio is deifnitely not in the same fragility-league as a very delicate face cut - but think of what would happen when both a pretty face and a prettier body compete with each other to create what cannot really be described in words.

The color of her top blended very well with the yellowish brown walls and grey-black iron of the balcony. The slanting sun rays highlighting a part of that yellowish brown wall, while the remaining part displayed a darker, browner black seemed to create the perfect canvas for the live animated artwork that she was.

There are some women who can make you do anything - and I know its vain, illogical and probably unethical too. But had I not been so madly in love already, I'd have definitely done any and everything possible to have my chance with her.

They didn't include Kama along side four pillars of life (Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha) for nothing.

And she was hot, exquisitely and breathtakingly hot in a peerless beauty mode.

May God make her happy.