Jeene Nahin Doonga

Internal ramblings, rumblings, grumblings and dumplings of a machine that went wrong, my head, that is.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Alcoholic's Menopause

Well, the term may not be the best - but it does convey the idea. Called it menopause - because it signifies a change - a sudden change of heart in which a person completely voluntarily loses all interest in bachhus' syrup. Its not exactly too gradual and it is unmistakable.

Lets not get into how it starts - simply because if you've had more than a couple of drinks in your life time more than a couple of times - you won't believe that its coming. The initial decrease in your propensity to lunge for alcohol will be dismissed outright. You'd have far too much faith in the inherent charm of ethanol and its resonating capacity with your body vibes.

And then you'll be in for a shock. After the initial phase of,"Oh...I'll drink tomorrow", you'll move to the phase of "I won't drink today" and then you'll be outright opposed to the idea of a date with the bottle.

Sill, you are not unduly alarmed. At times you do wonder if you really are the same guy who used to be nominated in the annual awards at your college for drink-and-throw-up exploits. Those were the days when you'd drink till 7 in the morning and be completely alert in the class at 8 and you'd even manage to ask seemingly intelligent questions regarding the case under discussion and even articulate your analysis (allow me the luxury to use high sounding words). This amazement, however, doesn't set off an alarm and you are quite chilled out.

Until, the unthinkable happens. You, amongst the biggest bootleggers wherever you've been, life of all the drunk parties ever since you jumped in the fray - be it the sophisticated corporate cocktail parties or extremely noisy-Friday evening-all bachelors-Old Monk-Haldiram Bhujia parties, manage to get sick on a couple of Margaritas !!! That's when you get alarmed but by then its too late.

After all, even viagra doesn't turn the clock back on menopause.


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